Friday, May 25, 2012

Top 5 Networking Tips for Introverts | Brazen Life

Top 5 Networking Tips for Introverts | Brazen Life

What is your Klout?

Social Media has created a brand new world.
I worried for years to create a pristine resume, an enviable credit score and now I find my Klout score is under 20.
Klout is a measurement of your influence, particularly through social media like Face Book, blogging. Linked In and Twitter.  Klout measures "True Reach", "Amplification" and "Network Impact"
True Reach measures the size of your audience.  Amplification measures likes, comments and retweets of your actions or posts.  Network impact measures the influence value.
Klout Scores range from 1-100 with President Obama having a score of 90 according to National Public Radio. Loney Moses measures 10.38
As I continue to "dabble" in this brave new world of social media, I will monitor my score and attempt to  correlate this with my recruitment success.
What is your Klout score?