Monday, November 5, 2012

Jumping Ship?

Many of us have asked ourselves from time to time should we quit and look for something new?

First of all you should find out why you are leaving? 
Being dissatisfied and knowing why you are dissatisfied may be two very different things.
Pinpoint the reason to discover a solution.

Is it boredom, have things become mundane?  Perhaps you just need a new approach. 
Learn something new.  Refocus your path. 
Showcase other skills.  Reinforce your team efforts. 

Mentors can come in many forms today.  They can be at work or even online.
Do you need to ask for career advice? Or follow by example?

Perhaps all the reasons for leaving, boredom, workload, whatever are under your control afterall!
Or if you absolutely need to jumpship ensure there is room in that raft!