Saturday, January 26, 2013

C'mon exceed my expectations....

In a society of mediocrity, of convenience store breakfasts and self check out lanes at the grocery store do you ever feel let down? Or do you allow this to be your expectation?
Now go to the other side of the counter. As a recruiter are the applicants just that, or are you looking at a person, someone needing your guidance, knowledge and services. Someone you can assist in their job search, help them find a good job fit, their niche and career.
Applicants sometimes tell me, "Wow no one has ever called me back before!" When did we become a society that if people ask a question that they don't deserve an answer. For the job searcher it is like standing at the counter of a fast food restaurant, and beyond not being acknowledged, none ever comes over to help them with their order.
Excel at customer service and excel at being a recruiter.